us at Reich Angus would like to welcome you to our website. We are a family
owned operation located in West-Central North Dakota. Our ranch sets along
the Knife River and our cattle graze largely on native prairie grasses for
all but just a couple of months in the winter. During the coldest of the
winter months, the cattle are brought closer to home and supplemented
with hay until after calving in March and April.
emphasis of our breeding program is in producing females that will have a
moderate mature frame size with the capacity and mothering ability to excel
in a tough northern plains environment. A cow on our operation needs to hold
her condition while consistently weaning off a heavy calf without the help
of a creep-feeder. We place high priority on fertility, udder quality,
natural thickness, good disposition and sound structure. These cattle are
bred to be problem-free for our commercial customers as well as our own
operation. Through intense culling pressure, an extensive AI program and
performance testing, our herd continues to improve every year.
encourage you to visit the ranch and inspect our cattle any time. If you
have any questions or would like more information on our operation, please
give us a call or send an a-mail.
The Reichs |